Go From Unseen to Unforgettable
You struggle to get the attention you need to grow your business.
Marketing tactics change daily.
The Fame and Fortune team has worked with the world’s biggest brands.
We take the time to get to know your brand and your customers, crafting a customized strategy that is perfect for your business.
Get seen.
Become unforgettable.
Hand over the marketing, we will take it from here.
Clients have appeared on:
“Working with Allie has been a game-changer for my business.
My services are booked out and the phone won’t stop ringing with new clients. She has increased my social media reach by 9,900%!! Yes, that is a real stat and she is the real deal!”
- Leah Bruin, Owner, Permanent Cosmetics by Leah
“Allie’s connections are invaluable to my business.
Not only is she an expert in the public relations arena, but she is also respected by many which was paramount for us and one of the key factors we considered when choosing to work with her as our PR consultant."
- Andrew Kung, President, Andrew Kung Group
“After working with Allie I am now 100% confident in operating the social media strategy for my business!
It’s amazing how quickly I was able to learn how to write better content that resonated with my customers, it truly changed my perspective on social media.
Planning out content is no longer a task I dread doing, but instead it takes me just minutes to do, instead of the hours it was taking me. I have enough on my plate to stress about, I'm glad my social media strategy will be something I never have to stress about again!"